CLS 63 W218 M157
All our prices are specified without the legal VAT (Value Added Tax)
VIP stage: we are ready for your wishes and ideas. An individual contract and price will be prepared by us if the project is interesting.

Stage 1 - 640 hp
Optimization of engine software
Deactivation of the speed limiter V-Max
Additional information: We recommend transmission software optimization
2 721 euro
Stage 2 - 670 hp
Optimization of engine software
Deactivation of the speed limiter V-Max
Downpipe with sport catalytic converter which has lower dynamic pressure connectable into the original exhaust system
4 700 euro
Transmission software optimization
1 500 euro
1 916 euro
Stage (2+) - 720 hp
Optimization of engine software
Deactivation of the speed limiter V-Max
Downpipe with sport catalytic converter which has lower dynamic pressure connectable into the original exhaust system
GAD collector
Optimization of low temperature circulation system for charge air cooling
Additional information: We recommend making a mechanical reinforcement of the gearbox so as not to lose power
8 500 euro
Transmission software optimization
1 500 euro
3 353 euro
Stage 3 - 760 hp
Optimization of engine software
Deactivation of the speed limiter V-Max
Downpipe with sport catalytic converter which has lower dynamic pressure connectable into the original exhaust system
GAD collector
Big GAD turbochargers (30%) with compressor housing (GAD 157 60/76R)
Optimization of low temperature circulation system for charge air cooling
Additional information: We recommend making a mechanical reinforcement of the gearbox so as not to lose power
24 500 euro
Transmission software optimization
1 500 euro
3 832 euro
Stage 4 - 820 hp
Optimization of engine software
Deactivation of the speed limiter V-Max
Downpipe with sport catalytic converter which has lower dynamic pressure connectable into the original exhaust system
GAD collector
Big GAD turbochargers (30%) with compressor housing (GAD 157 60/76R)
Optimization of low temperature circulation system for charge air cooling
Dynamic pressure optimized flap exhaust from stainless steel V2A, diameter 76 mm
Additional information: It is necessary to make a mechanical reinforcement of the gearbox so as not to lose power
31 000 euro
Stage 1 GAD transmission reinforcement MCT without wet clutch (NAK) until about 1350 Nm. Mechanical reinforcement of the gearbox.
5 463 euro
Transmission software optimization
1 500 euro
4 311 euro
Stage 5 - 920 hp
Optimization of engine software
Deactivation of the speed limiter V-Max
Downpipe with sport catalytic converter which has lower dynamic pressure connectable into the original exhaust system
GAD collector
Big GAD turbochargers (30%) with compressor housing (GAD 157 60/76R)
Optimization of low temperature circulation system for charge air cooling
GAD intercooler
GAD high pressure pump
GAD optimization of fuel system
Dynamic pressure optimized flap exhaust from stainless steel V2A, diameter 76 mm
Additional information: It is necessary to make a mechanical reinforcement of the gearbox so as not to lose power
44 500 euro
Stage 2. GAD transmission reinforcement MCT with wet clutch (NAK) until about 1500 Nm. Mechanical reinforcement of the gearbox.
6 500 euro
Transmission software optimization
1 500 euro
5 748 euro